There are signs that you can use if you feel your relationship is hitting a wall. And if you cannot find these signs, there’s always the option of calling and speaking to a professional. If your partner has been acting out or exhibiting behaviours that raise red flags, take heed from this article and use what you know to avoid any potential love woes.

People who are going through a divorce often wonder if they made the right decision. Maybe they should have tried to make their marriage work instead of blaming each other for an ugly separation. Many people who are on the brink of divorce have doubts about their decision to stay, even though they do not feel loved anymore. A cheating spouse will never regret getting separated. And even when they do, it will be years later.

How can you tell if your partner is cheating? The answer to this question tends to indicate that you are already suspecting infidelity, or at the very least that something is wrong in your relationship. Cheating signs look different in every relationship, of course, but there are some common threads you can look for. My first piece of advice is that if you feel that your partner is cheating, it may be true. Having said that, you may want to gather other evidence before confronting your significant other. This blog provides a list of common signs or tells that can help clear your assumptions or encourage you to seek guidance in your relationship. This information provides you with the most common signs that indicate how a cheating spouse or partner might behave so that you can be on guard against potentially destructive behaviour. 

Signs of a Cheating Spouse or Partner:

Working out for fitness and enhancing looks as well as being health-conscious

You notice your partner is taking special care of his/her appearance and has started exercising or joining a gym out of the blue, without even telling you. They suddenly start exercising or start eating healthier just to appear more attractive. If your partner constantly changes their appearance, it may be a sign that they are trying to catch another’s attention – or, if you want to take a positive approach to all the worrying that keeps you awake at night, consider that they might want to look good for you. You might want to start watching how they get ready and how they dress differently if you are convinced that something more sinister is going on. If your partner jumps into a long shower as soon as he or she gets home, this may be a sign of a cheating spouse where they are trying to wash away evidence of cheating.

Starts acting weird and avoids direct contact with you

Couples or partners may grow apart from time to time depending on their profession and to fulfill family commitments, sometimes things happen. In contrast, if they suddenly show interest in you after not paying much attention to you for a while, there might be a problem. The reason may be that they want to make up for any less than ideal behavior behind your back. It may be beneficial to talk about where the sudden attention comes from if you find them trying so hard around you. Also when your partner starts calling you more often than usual, it may not be as sweet as it sounds. However, they are trying to check your whereabouts to make sure that you are not in a position to catch them.

There’s definitely something wrong if they go to bed early or later or get out of bed without first speaking to you, or if they are not sitting on the couch when they usually take the seat next to you. There’s no reason for them to avoid being near you except that it makes them uncomfortable or makes them feel guilty.

The only time people avoid contact is when they are hiding something. Because of this, you should sit down with them and discuss the situation so that you can both make informed decisions about the future of your relationship. 

You can’t find them and are significantly unreachable

If your partner is cheating on you, they are less likely to answer your calls or respond to your texts. They make believable excuses like they were in a meeting, driving, or in a dead zone and didn’t realize you were trying to reach them. It’s a bad sign if your partner is unavailable while working late or on a business trip away from you. This is a very common sign of a cheating spouse.

Expenses have risen suddenly and they do not want to talk about it

Have you noticed any strange charges on your partner’s credit card? Do you have less money in your shared bank account, if you have one? As a matter of fact, it is expensive to be unfaithful. There are trips, dinners, hotel rooms, and the list goes on. Cheating can quickly add up in cost. In the event you receive large bills from unknown sources, this may be a warning.

There is no emotional intimacy between you anymore

Relationships will not be as intense as they were in the beginning. We’ve probably all been through that passionate phase. We tend to bond and secure our attachments over time leading to more trust between partners. Keeping a trusting relationship alive requires emotional intimacy. It takes time for you to feel comfortable revealing everything to your partner. When your partner seems less attached to you and more withdrawn, that may be a red flag. Their focus may have been shifted to the person they are cheating with or they may feel guilty and are withdrawing. A cheating spouse will avoid all contact with their spouse, let alone avoid intimacy.

They are very protective of their phone and personal computer/laptop

People who cheat on their partners tend to use their phones and computers more than before, and they begin protecting their devices as if they were at risk. If your partner’s phone and the laptop didn’t require a password before, and now they do, that’s a major concern. A person who regularly deletes their text messages and browser history comes across as if they have something to hide. The fact that your partner never relinquishes their phone, including taking it into the bathroom when they shower is not a good sign either. You should know that there is something problematic if your partner refuses to let you access his or her phone. In all honesty, apart from the surprise birthday or holiday information, what else could they possibly be holding back from you? According to this article, if your spouse has any of these apps, it could be a sign of a cheating spouse.

It is difficult to talk to your partner about something you suspect and desire to discuss

If you ask your partner if he or she has cheated, they deflect and avoid the subject. It’s the last thing your spouse wants to do if he or she is cheating on you. As a result, when you bring up this topic in conversation, they may try to avoid it or deflect it. Your partner will do whatever it takes to steer you onto another subject or shift the blame towards what you’re thinking and feeling. After confronting your partner about infidelity and being rebuffed, perhaps with the message, “If you trusted me more, maybe things would go better between us,” you should not ignore your gut feeling that something is wrong in your relationship. Don’t automatically believe your partner who alleges that you are at fault. If your gut feeling tells you that your partner is cheating on you, chances are you’re right.

Let me clarify one thing: just because your partner exhibits some of the behaviours that I just described does not necessarily mean they are cheating. These could be simply indicators that your relationship needs to be nurtured and reassessed. If you have observed several of these signs in your partner recently and you are concerned that things aren’t going well, you should take action now to turn things around before they deteriorate further.

Knowing that your partner has cheated on you is not something you should deal with alone. If you feel uncomfortable confronting your partner, talk to a trusted friend, family member, pastor, or therapist. You can find empathetic support by reaching out. Relationships can be slowly infected by distance, a lack of communication, and sexual issues. If not addressed properly, these problems can lead to infidelity and disconnectedness. When you feel that your partner is hiding something from you, Investi-Centre is here to thoroughly investigate and provide you with peace of mind. With a team of highly experienced detectives, we ensure a thorough investigation to help you uncover the potential threats your relationship could be faced with. We work with precision, but delicacy in handling investigations like these. Suspect a cheating spouse? Contact Investi-Centre today!